Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Zeus the Moose

It has arrived! I’ve been so excited about this “work of art” ever since I found it online. It’s the perfect compromise piece.

Here’s how it all started…Erik is a hunter and has grown up in a house with dead animal heads/horns on the wall. Now if it went with my décor, that would be one thing, but deer heads don’t really look right in a vintage/modern style bungalow house. I felt bad because I know our house is a little on the girly side. I lived there alone first, so I did what I wanted. By the time Erik moved in, there was no turning back. I had already gotten the hot pink rug, sparkly lamps, purple bedding, zig zag curtains, and had the walls painted turquoise. Poor guy. He’s been such a good sport about it. So when I found a white lacquered moose head, I knew it was the perfect “hunting” piece to compliment my style. Lulu didn’t know what to think about him at first. She had to growl and bark a little, but then she was fine.  

I don’t know if Erik agrees, but I think Zeus is the perfect solution to making our house a little more man-friendly!

Zeus the Moose has arrived!

Very masculine...

What man wouldn't love this?
Lulu loves my style!


  1. Lexie! I love your blog and I love Zeus! The boys have a deer head like that in their room too! Did you find it on Z Gallery? Our house is a little girly also. I would hate to see what my house would look like if B got to decorate though! Your dog is precious! Maybe one day Lulu can meet Coco and Layla! Ava, Brooks, and Knox too!

    1. Thank you Michelle! I did get the moose at Z Gallery. I love all their stuff. I know Lulu would love to play with coco and layla. She also loves kids and babies, so she would have lots of fun with the triplets too!

  2. Oh and who designed your blog? I love it! Mine needs to be updated a little!

    1. I actually designed the blog myself. It's nothing fancy, just one of the blogger templates. I downloaded the background, but that's about the only thing that I did outside of blogger. I'm glad you like it!


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