Tuesday, April 3, 2012

The Big Fall

It happened during my lunch break. I was taking Lulu out for a quick stroll to the post office to drop a letter off when I noticed the skies turning dark. I thought if I hurried, I’d be able to make it home before the storm. Wrong! As we were just starting to head home, the loudest crack of thunder rang out from the skies. Then a huge lightning bolt lit up the clouds. I told Lu we were about to haul a** home so get ready to run. We took off at full speed, even though I was wearing flip-flops. As the rain started to pour down, I could feel my feet getting wet. Before I knew it, I slipped and fell forward like a baseball player sliding into first. SMACK! I sprawled out right on the concrete.  I somehow managed to keep a death-grip on the leash because I knew Lu would have kept running. Poor girl, I probably gave her whiplash. I guess a woman driving saw my fall because she stopped to check on me. 

By this point the tears were already streaming down my face. I held it together long enough to tell her I was fine before I broke down in a hysterical crying fit. I sat there on the sidewalk in the rain feeling sorry for myself. I’d say it was a good 30% pain, 70% embarrassment. I somehow managed to run home and call my husband. I didn’t even ask, but he instantly said he was on his way to take care of me. He’s so wonderful. I doused my wounds in peroxide while I waited on him, and of course, cried some more. 

Sweet Lulu stayed by my side the entire time. She licked the tears off my face and put her head in my lap so I could pet her to keep calm. It hurt really badly, but I’m fine now. Erik doctored up my wounds and I stayed home from work for an extra hour to gather myself. Lu decided she needed to lie across my body since I was hurt. She did a good job taking care of me. I’m lucky to have two great nurses that both understand I can be a little dramatic and needy at times. Hey, at least I admit it! I’ll spare you the nastiness and not post the pictures of my injuries. 
Checking out my wound

Making sure I didn't try lifting my arm

Just being sweet

Suzan at my office bandaged me up!

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