Sunday, April 8, 2012

The Hunt

Today was the big day! Lu finally put her egg hunting skills to the test against her cousin Claire. My mom held the dogs back so they could watch while I hid the eggs. She let them and go and they both raced to the eggs in full speed. As Claire started to figure things out, Lu totally lost all recollection of the "find and open" tactic we had been practicing for days. She started wondering around behind Claire and picking up the empty eggs and carrying them around. FAIL! I had to help her by putting an egg in her face and opening it so she could see/smell the treat inside. It took her so long to figure this out that by the time she had gotten her first treat out, Claire had found all the eggs. Oh well. At least she had fun doing it, that's what really matters right? I'm a little competitive, so that was really hard for me to say. Here are the results:

Claire: 18 eggs
Lulu: 2 eggs

My egg hunting experience went a little differently (yes I still hunt eggs). A few years ago, my mom found some "big kid" eggs. They are designed to be harder to find. Some of them have suction cups so you can stick them under things. Some are clear so they blend in with their surroundings. Some have strings so you can hang them. You get the point. Last year was the first time my husband got to experience hunting with me. Needless to say, he didn't do too well. I found the majority of the eggs pretty quickly. This year was no different. It got a little more physical because we were in close quarters, but I still came out ahead. He got a mad at me because he would have a drawer open and I would lean down over him and grab the egg. I can't help it if he's slow. I had to explain to him that an egg is fair game unless someone has it in their hand. Here's how it ended up this year:

Lexie: 13 eggs
Erik: 8 eggs
so close!

It's right there!!!

That one's empty Lulu

It's empty, keep looking!


Yep, you guessed it...empty!


Claire had to double check a few empties after she saw Lu going for them.

My little Easter bunny!

Good girl Claire

Exhausted after the hunt.


  1. Where are the pictures of you and Erik hunting eggs?

  2. Haha, it was way too intense to photograph.


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